Thursday, November 1, 2012

Epic Labor and Birth Story, part 3

96 hours after the start of labor and it was finally time to rest. Josh crashed out in the hospital chair and I tried to rest. After everything that had happened I should have just passed out but I couldn't. I lay in bed with my mind racing, channel surfing and trying to doze.
Around 11 the specialist came in to say that Myles was doing great and it was ok for me to go and start breast feeding him. He also said they would release him from the NICU in a few hours. Josh was sleeping soundly, I didn't want to wake him but I couldn't wait. As soon as the staff brought in a wheelchair, I was on my way!
I was able to hold Myles and he latched on my breast immediately! What a great feeling! Again, I couldn't believe how big and strong he was!
They released Myles a few hours later and he was able to stay in our room. Only once Myles was safely and comfortably tucked in nearby was i finally able to close my eyes and rest! We had a steady stream of visitors during our hospital stay and really appreciated the hospital staff.

Myles was jaundiced in the hospital but other than that showed no signs of trouble from our lengthy labor. He needed phototherapy and earned his first nickname "Glowbug".
Despite Myles being jaundiced, the hospital discharged us home Saturday afternoon. We had to continue phototherapy at home but it was easy enough and felt great to finally be home!
I'm so thankful for all of the support we received throughout the entire process. Our family was amazing. Our friends were fantastic. The midwives and the medical staff at the hospital were truly awesome.
During the pregnancy many people questioned our intention for home birth and my response often included the statement that although I did not want to need the services of the hospital I had faith that I would know if the time came that we did need the hospital. I am thankful that Josh and I knew when to make the tough decision to transport.
Although our birth did not go as planned, both Josh and I have chosen to look at our birth as an overall positive experience. We had many of the joys of laboring at home including being surrounded by family and friends. At the hospital we were treated with respect by a competent capable staff. I learned how deeply my husband's faith and support in me really go. Sure he's cheered me on through a half ironman but 4 days of labor! I learned a great deal about myself and although I was wrong about guessing Myles gender (sorry son, I was sure you were a girl!), I learned that I can trust what my body is telling me, and I'll know when I've had enough.
Today we happily celebrate 6 weeks of life with Myles.
Thank you for reading our story and thank you for participating in our journey. The outpouring of prayers, delivered meals, gifts for Myles, love, hugs, and support, has been overwhelming!


  1. Yay! So happy everything is perfect now :)

  2. I love happy endings. Enjoy every minute of his precious life. Congratulations xoxox.
