Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Training Tips From Baby M

I've been trying to get in as much training as I can for my half ironman event (in 2 weeks!) while juggling our baby guy. Today I thought of some helpful tips I've learned while training with Baby M. 1st
Stay well hydrated and don't forget your recovery fuel.
Group workouts make things more enjoyable!
Crying, whining, and complaining does not make the workout go by any quicker, but it can annoy your workout buddies.
Although podium finishes are amazing and feel great, sometimes going home with a finishers medal is reward enough.
Hope you are having a great summer and enjoy your training tips from Baby M!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

When I Saw Her Pace...

Now I'm a believer! Sing it with me!

I now own a tri bike. Aero. Aggressive positioning. Full Dura Ace. Wow! My husband is the techno/ gear geek of the family and I've been resistant to owning a tri bike because although I really enjoy triathlon, I think of myself first as a mountain biker, second as a roadie, and last as a triathlete. Add in a cruiser and that makes for a lot of ponies in the stable. I've said I'd like to have a tri bike but figured it was a luxury more than a necessity. Like almost all of our bike acquisitions this one was driven by my husband because it was just "to good of a deal to pass up". He is very enthusiastic and supportive in my goals for my 70.3 race coming up in July and that showed when he brought home my newest pony. We took it out for our maiden voyage yesterday and I have to say that I underestimated the perks of an aero bike. At any given speed I noticed my heart rate beat 10-15 beats slower than normal when compared to my road bike rides. If you think of how much that will impact a long ride you can't help but become a believer! Think of how much fresher I'll feel on the run if I've "saved" all those beats!!! I can't wait. Now all I need is to find a way to squeeze in 15 hours of training a week into my already busy schedule I'll really be ready for July!!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Almost 6 Months

Mr Myles joined our family almost 6 months ago. Wow-- where has the time gone? My blog has also been silent for nearly 4 months... I have had so much to say but unfortunately very little time to write it all out! I don't know how my fellow mommy bloggers do it!
Since I'm so far behind I'll just do a quick update about our strengths and challenges at being a fit family.

Strengths, victories, and successes:

Breast feeding. I never knew I would be such a champion for breast feeding but with my preparation for Myles arrival Josh and I agreed that we didn't want processed food for our baby including artificial baby milk. I truly didn't even know what "demand" breast feeding meant (you mean they gave a special term to feeding your child when he acts hungry?), but we've been successful at it and I'm pleased and proud of the hard work and effort.
Cloth diapering: So far so good. I love our diaper stash and even with working full time I haven't had too much trouble keeping up. Confession- we use disposables at night. But hey, burying 30 diapers a month in a landfill is still better than hundreds!
Creating baby athlete: Myles is in swim lessons! He loves them. It really is more splash and play than learn to swim but it is great exposure to the water and fun stimulation.

Needs Improvement:

Working full time: I'm doing it. It's going well but I miss my kid and wish I could work part time. Most days I put on my big girl panties and get through it but some days I come home to hold my baby and can't help but tear up.
Creating Momma Athlete: This is hard. So much harder than I anticipated. I feel like my time with him is already limited due to work and leaving him behind to exercise sometimes puts me over the edge. Taking him with me is an option thanks to my Cholla gals for getting me my Bob stroller but sometimes that isn't even an option if I'm trying not to interrupt his naps or keep him out/ up too late. And navigating full boobs/ pumping/ or nursing sometimes adds time and energy into prepping for a workout that I just don't have.
Keeping a schedule/ routine: I'm trying. Focusing on getting plenty of rest and trying to eat well. The rest is hit or miss. Social obligations, I've missed more than a few. Workouts, missed plenty of those as well, see above. I still feel like most days I'm lucky to squeeze in a shower or a trip to the store. I'm still adapting to our new normal.
Losing Baby Weight: I heard from many people about the wonders of breast feeding and how the weight will just "melt off". Umm. Ya. Not for this girl. The weight may have melted off if my appetite hadn't quadrupled in the weeks following birth. I could have eaten peanut butter and jelly sandwiches like a chain smoker lights their new cig as they smash out the old. I'm just now fitting into most of my pre pregnancy clothes and it's been nearly 6 months! I silently had hoped to be back to pre baby body in 3 months but reality set in pretty quick and I threw that idea out the window. As of today I still have 10lbs to go. Sadly that is the exact amount I over gained...

Thank you for reading! If you have any tips for me please share!